Agriculture in Cambodia

Since Cambodia has had peace or Cambodia after Civil war 1979, rice is still main agriculture for country. People grow rice two times a year, in rainy season and dry season. July is the start month which Cambodian have to work in the rice farm because it is rain fall in July.However, some areas begin to grow rice mid August it depends the rain fall that means different areas,different weather. So far, people still do their jobs with the rain. No rain No rice, Have rice we survive. People use their buffalo and cow to plow or even their own workforce. Farmers will harvest in December or January. Some local people harvest just for enough supply to the family, some not only for the family but also for selling to the rice industry or export. Till now rice is still quite cheap in Cambodia but people still prefer growing rice for the family rather than just leave their rice paddy empty or buying rice from the market to cook at home.
Now we are ready to harvest the rice, we can see some areas turn to golden because it starting ripe, but some areas still look green.
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Kudos, I enjoy it.