Cambodian Religion

90% of population in Cambodia is Buddhist, the remainders are Muslim, Christian and Catholic. Our government is not very strict with the religion we can go whatever we want. Buddhism is the main religion in Cambodia and it is called the religion of state. In a village there are more than one Buddhist temple where Cambodian people learn and respect our Buddha. Monks do not cook, people offering the food to the monks. As in the photo above Buddhist monks go to downtown from door to door to get food from Buddhist people and the monks give the people blessing, monks keep walking from a house to another till their food containers filled with food and then they go back to the pagoda for lunch, monks only can eat lunch before twelve for religious reason. At pagoda monks study Balai and Songkrit languages, the language they use to communicate to Buddha or God. On the other hand, monks also teach people about doing good in the present time because people will not go to evil after they died.